Max Lucado

We may relish moments of solitude, but a lifetime of it? No way. Many of us, however, are too fluent in the language of loneliness. 

The kids used to need methe business once needed memy spouse never needs me.

Lonely people fight feelings of insignificance. What do you do? How do you cope with such cries for significance?

Some stay busy; others stay drunk. Some buy pets; others buy lovers. Some seek therapy. Yet only a few seek God.

He invites all of us to do so. God’s ultimate cure for the common life takes you to a manger. “…’and they shall call His name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us’” (Matthew 1:23). There’s no withholding tax on God’s “with” promise. He is with us. God is with us!






祂邀請我們每個人,接受祂對平凡生活的終極治療。祂要帶我們來到一個馬槽旁,告訴我們: 「……『他們要給祂起名叫以馬內利’,翻譯過來就是『神與我們同在』」(太 1:23)。上帝的應許並不徵收預扣稅,祂要我們知道,祂與我們同在。你不必被孤獨所困,因為神與你同在。