

1 耶和华啊,我曾求告祢,求祢快快临到我这里!我求告祢的时候,愿祢留心听我的声音。
2 愿我的祷告如香陈列在祢面前,愿我举手祈求,如献晚祭。
3 耶和华啊,求祢禁止我的口,把守我的嘴。
4 求祢不叫我的心偏向邪恶,以致我和作孽的人同行恶事,也不叫我吃他们的美食。
5 任凭义人击打我,这算为仁慈,任凭他责备我,这算为头上的膏油,我的头不要躲闪。正在他们行恶的时候,我仍要祈祷。
6 他们的审判官被扔在岩下,众人要听我的话,因为这话甘甜。
7 我们的骨头散在墓旁,好像人耕田刨地的土块。
8 主耶和华啊,我的眼目仰望祢。我投靠祢,求祢不要将我撇得孤苦。
9 求祢保护我脱离恶人为我设的网罗,和作孽之人的圈套。
10 愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。



3 Ways to Respond to Criticism

Hi GAMErs,

Today’s passage is Job 18:1-21.  Let’s go!

Job 18:1-4 (NIV) 
1  Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
2  “When will you end these speeches? Be sensible, and then we can talk.
3  Why are we regarded as cattle and considered stupid in your sight?
4  You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger, is the earth to be abandoned for your sake? Or must the rocks be moved from their place?

On verses 1-21:  Bildad keeps making the same mistake despite receiving feedback from Job.  Job has already repeatedly expressed, with directness and clarity, how he wishes his friends would talk to him differently (Job 6:25-26; Job 13:3-4; 16:2-4).  Yet instead of giving real consideration to what Job is saying, instead of recognizing the error of his ways and adjusting, Bildad at first gets defensive (v3-4) and then continues on with his same mistaken approach.  Bildad continues to attack Job and uses his indirect but not so subtle way of linking what has happened to Job with what happens to wicked people (v5-21).



1 耶和华啊,求祢拯救我脱离凶恶的人,保护我脱离强暴的人。
2 他们心中图谋奸恶,常常聚集要争战。
3 他们使舌头尖利如蛇,嘴里有虺蛇的毒气。(细拉)
4 耶和华啊,求祢拯救我脱离恶人的手,保护我脱离强暴的人,他们图谋推我跌倒。
5 骄傲人为我暗设网罗和绳索,他们在路旁铺下网,设下圈套。(细拉)
6 我曾对耶和华说:「祢是我的神。」耶和华啊,求祢留心听我恳求的声音!
7 主耶和华,我救恩的力量啊,在争战的日子,祢遮蔽了我的头。
8 耶和华啊,求祢不要遂恶人的心愿,不要成就他们的计谋,恐怕他们自高。(细拉)
9 至于那些昂首围困我的人,愿他们嘴唇的奸恶陷害自己。
10 愿火炭落在他们身上,愿他们被丢在火中,抛在深坑里,不能再起来。……



The Best Security for You

Hi GAMErs,

Today’s passage is Job 17:1-16.  It is one of the harder passages in Job so far to interpret, but the lessons are worth digging for.
Job 17:1-3 (NIV) 
1  My spirit is broken, my days are cut short, the grave awaits me. 
2  Surely mockers surround me; my eyes must dwell on their hostility. 
3  “Give me, O God, the pledge you demand. Who else will put up security for me? 

On Job 16:22 to 17:3:  Job feels like his life is slipping away (v1).  He is bothered by those who mock him (v2).  So Job looks to God as his back up (v3).  In verse 3 Job says to God, “Lay down a pledge for me with you; who is there who will put up security for me?” (Job 17:3 (ESV))  What does Job mean?  Job is boldly asking God to put up security on his behalf.  When I put up security for a friend, I’m saying, “If my friend doesn’t perform what he said he would perform, I will perform it for him.  If he owes you anything, take it from me instead.”  The Bible actually warns about the dangers of putting up security for others.  For example, Proverbs 11:15 says, “He who puts up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hands in pledge is safe.”

When Job Saw Jesus. Also, Why God Allows Attacks

Hi GAMErs,

Today’s passage is Job 16:1-22.  Let’s go!

Job 16:1-6 (NIV) 
1  Then Job replied: 
2  “I have heard many things like these; miserable comforters are you all! 
3  Will your long-winded speeches never end? What ails you that you keep on arguing? 
4  I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. 
5  But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief.
6  “Yet if I speak, my pain is not relieved; and if I refrain, it does not go away.
On verses 1-6:  Job is in such physical and emotional torment that neither him speaking out nor him trying to stay silent helps (v6).  Job has learned first hand that when a person is experiencing such great pain and loss, what that person needs is to be comforted and encouraged by others, not lectured, judged, accused or argued with him as Job’s friends did with him.  Even if that person’s own poor decisions brought about their suffering, even if their character leaves much to be desired, in the moment of their agony, don’t take that moment to tear them down even more, but hold them up with God’s love.  In so doing, your gentle actions will teach them something about God’s love and grace that your lectures never could.  Save your sermon for later when the pain is less piercing and the grief less agonizing.  



1 耶和华啊,祢已经鉴察我,认识我。
2 我坐下,我起来,祢都晓得,祢从远处知道我的意念。
3 我行路,我躺卧,祢都细察,祢也深知我一切所行的。
4 耶和华啊,我舌头上的话,祢没有一句不知道的。
5 祢在我前后环绕我,按手在我身上。
6 这样的知识奇妙,是我不能测的;至高,是我不能及的。
7 我往哪里去躲避祢的灵?我往哪里逃躲避祢的面?
8 我若升到天上,祢在那里;我若在阴间下榻,祢也在那里。
9 我若展开清晨的翅膀,飞到海极居住,
10 就是在那里,祢的手必引导我,祢的右手也必扶持我。……



Wisdom Is More About EQ Than IQ

Hi GAMErs,

Today’s passage is Job 15:17-35.

Job 15:20-26 (NIV) 
20  All his days the wicked man suffers torment, the ruthless through all the years stored up for him.
21  Terrifying sounds fill his ears; when all seems well, marauders attack him.
22  He despairs of escaping the darkness; he is marked for the sword.
23  He wanders about–food for vultures; he knows the day of darkness is at hand.
24  Distress and anguish fill him with terror; they overwhelm him, like a king poised to attack,……..

On verses 17-35:  Here Eliphaz, harking back to what he claims to have seen in the past and heard from other wise men (v17-19), tries to paint a picture for Job with his words.  Eliphaz describes a “wicked man” (v20) who “suffers torment” (v20), who is haunted by terrifying sounds (v21), who has been attacked (v21b), who lives in great fear (v22), who wanders without purpose or hope (v23), and who is filled with distress (v24) all “because he shakes his fist at God” (v25).  



1 我要一心称谢祢,在诸神面前歌颂祢。
2 我要向祢的圣殿下拜,为祢的慈爱和诚实称赞祢的名;因祢使祢的话显为大,过于祢所应许的。
3 我呼求的日子,祢就应允我,鼓励我,使我心里有能力。
4 耶和华啊,地上的君王都要称谢祢,因他们听见了祢口中的言语。
5 他们要歌颂耶和华的作为,因耶和华大有荣耀。
6 耶和华虽高,仍看顾低微的人,祂却从远处看出骄傲的人。
7 我虽行在患难中,祢必将我救活。我的仇敌发怒,祢必伸手抵挡他们,祢的右手也必救我。
8 耶和华必成全关乎我的事。耶和华啊,祢的慈爱永远长存,求祢不要离弃祢手所造的。




2 我们把琴挂在那里的柳树上。
3 因为在那里,掳掠我们的要我们唱歌,抢夺我们的要我们作乐,说:「给我们唱一首锡安歌吧!」
4 我们怎能在外邦唱耶和华的歌呢?
5 耶路撒冷啊,我若忘记你,情愿我的右手忘记技巧!
6 我若不记念你,若不看耶路撒冷过于我所最喜乐的,情愿我的舌头贴于上膛!
7 耶路撒冷遭难的日子,以东人说:「拆毁!拆毁!直拆到根基!」耶和华啊,求你记念这仇!
8 将要被灭的巴比伦城啊,报复你像你待我们的,那人便为有福!
9 拿你的婴孩摔在磐石上的,那人便为有福!


在〈以西结书〉里,以西结在异象中看到神怎样一步步被赶离圣殿。犹大人在圣殿里拜偶像,拜太阳,污秽圣殿,以致神无法驻留,只得远离,成为流浪的神(结8-10章)。“耶和华的荣耀从殿的门槛那里出去(结10:18a )”,当神在圣殿中不再有地位时,祂就走了。犹大人以为乭以倚靠所拜的偶像和假神,却尝到呼天天不应,叫地地不灵的情况。

You Stop Being a Blessing When You Do THIS

Hi GAMErs,

Today’s passage is Job 15:1-16.  Let’s go!

Job 15:4-9 (NIV) 
4  But you even undermine piety and hinder devotion to God. 
5  Your sin prompts your mouth; you adopt the tongue of the crafty. 
6  Your own mouth condemns you, not mine; your own lips testify against you. 
7  “Are you the first man ever born? Were you brought forth before the hills? 
8  Do you listen in on God’s council? Do you limit wisdom to yourself? 
9  What do you know that we do not know? What insights do you have that we do not have?
On verses 1-16:  Even after Job has lost virtually everything and has told his friends exactly what he needs from them – he needs them to shut up and just listen to him (Job 13:5-6) – Eliphaz cannot help himself.  Eliphaz insists on speaking up one more time.  With even more vitriol and accusation on his tongue than before, Eliphaz accuses Job of being foolish (v2-3), undevoted to God (v4), sinful (v5), self-condemning (v6), prideful and arrogant (v7-9), ungrateful to God (v11), rageful (v12-13), vile and corrupt (v14-16).